Thursday, 4 June 2009

Kisumu in June

Hello again!There is NEWS =) (Bullet points are easier to work with so bear with me please)

- I have successfully (or well, the SIM Team have) managed to extend my time until the 6th of August, which means that I can stay in Kenya until the term ends so the kids can do their exams and final preparations with us there! Rahel and I hoped to fly to Switzerland and Scotland on the same day, but it doesn’t seem it will be possible, unfortunately! So that is really good! (I add this later on: it seems that Rahel has to pay for her flight to be booked (it was an open return) and it is a bit discouraging as it was not expected, pray that the situation could sort itself out and she could get the needed support).
- Susan had to make 3 wedding cakes for a friend that was getting married (someone else was doing the other 4!) so she baked them and then we talked and planned and tested and retried ways to decorate it (the colours had to be navy blue and cream!!!) and we worked on it in the afternoon, the evening and finally Susie, Rahel and I finished at 11.30pm (which is actually very late for us now… a late night is 10.30pm) and then we sat in the dark (the solar panel charge had run out) drinking some hot chocolate! It was a nice experience though! My first wedding cake hehe… pictures to be posted on facebook at sometime in the future.
- The next day I had a sore throat and the start of my second cold here! Now it is almost gone but it was a bit discouraging to get another cold. I had one when I arrived, Rahel then got it, then Rahel got it last week, and I had it this weekend and this week. So hopefully it is getting better and will stay away! And I was bitten by a safari ant, but that is just plain cool (h). Hehe.
- On Sunday we WENT to the wedding! Hehe, it took about an hour to start after we arrived (we arrived 1 ½ hours late) but it was really nice, the bridal procession took an hour to come in (not joking) but after thinking initially that they walked at the speed of snails, you appreciated the way they bounced to and fro, and it meant the people were not craning to see, because you knew they would eventually come into sight. I had some mendazis (Kenyan doughnut, not that sweet) that Susie gave me and was smuggling them to the kids and to Rahel during the service. The service finished at 3 and then the reception (starting at 1pm) would take place somewhere else so we decided to just leave them, especially because we suspected the cakes would be covered up until the end – after all the speeches. So we never knew if the cakes “went” with the decorations but there you have it.
- Cavin Akech… I am definetly more patient with him (ignoring him sometimes works) but he is really behind because he missed a term (no one is quite sure why). The kids have different strengths and weaknesses but its nice to get to know them. James is opening up and smiling more and HEBALYNE was reported to have smiled today… she smiled once when she was skipping and the sun shone (more than it already was).
- Since we are extending our time here, we will renew our VISA’s on the 21st of June so we will travel to Nairobi at the end of next week (it seems too soon!!!) and we may stay in Nakuru for a night or two (a baby orphanage where Rahel worked before she joined SIM).

So that’s all / enough from me for now, it is still lovely and hot here and I am grateful I can be here!
Love, and lots of it!


1 comment:

  1. so soy una mala amiga porq no lei esto antes. basicamente porq mi google reader no me quiere & no salia tu blog & no me habia dado cuenta. asi q leere todos los posts ahora, aunq sea terribly late.
    on another note tu "finished at 11.30pm (which is actually very late for us now… a late night is 10.30pm)" is very like IB jojo
    much love, karla
